Focused shockwave therapy is a non invasive regenerative treatment modality that stimulates bloodflow, induces cellular repair and reduces pain triggering the bodies cellular healing response.
What does focused shockwave therapy do?
Focused shockwaves target tissues at a cellular level, they trigger mechanotransduction in the targeted tissue. Mechanotransduction is the proces by which the body converts mechanical stimulus (shockwaves) into electric chemical activity, triggering positive effects in the targeted tissue.
The effects to the local tissue are: improvement in cellular structure, increased blood flow, helps break down fibrous tissue and stimulates the reabsorption of calcium, reduced chronic pain sensation, increased growth and painmediating hormones and triggers the stimulation of stemcells.
Many devices are on the market which are not FDA compliant and do not create an actual shockwave which is necessary to trigger the above effects. At Fiel MSK Center we use the focused shockwave device that has proven superior outcomes.
What conditions can be treated?
Chronic tendon problems including plantar fasciosis
Delayed bone healing, stress fractures
Knee osteoarthritis
Tibial stress syndrome (shin splint)
Osgood Schlatter disease
And many more